
Showing posts with the label Culture/Custom

Koreans talking about death easily?

😱 실제로 한국 사람들은 상대방에게 '죽고싶어? 혹은 '죽일거야' 라는 말을 자주 사용할까? Do Koreans really ask someone so often do you want to die or I'll kill you? <Korean Movie - The Man From Nowhere> 🇰🇷 거 의 대다수의 한국 사람들은 다른 사람에게 한 번쯤은 죽고 싶냐? 혹은 뒤진다? 혹은 뒤질래? 등등의 말을 건네본 경험이 있을 것이다. 나 또한 마찬가지 다른 이에게 그렇게 말해본 경험이 있다. 이 말은 크게 두 가지 상황과 분위기에 따라 사용할수 있다. 예를 들어 A 와 B 가 친근하고 화목한 관계를 유지하는 사이라면 A가 B에게 그러한 말을 하든, B가 A에게 그러한 말을 하든 서로가 기분 나빠하지 않고 심각하게 받아들이지 않을 확률이 높다. 그래서 아주 가까운 친구 사이로 지내는 사람들은 이 말을 농담처럼 서로서로 주고받는다. 웃기게 들릴지 모르지만 연인 사이에 이 말을 사용하면 더욱 끈적한 관계로 발전되기도 한다. 하지만 만약 A가 화난 표정을 짓고 격앙된 목소리로 B 에게 이 말을 하면 B는 A를 위험한 사람으로 인식하게 될 것이다. 만약 서로의 관계가 좋았더라면 멀어지는 계기가 되거나 단순한 해프닝으로 끝날수 있겠지만, 서로가 친분이 없거나 잘 모르는 사이라면 이 말을 듣는 사람은 이 말을 한 사람을 경찰에 고발하거나 고소하게 될것이다.  당신이 한국에 온 외국인 이라면 가급적 이 말은 좋게든 나쁘게든 사용하지 않는것이 좋다.     <K Movie - Friend 2001> 🇺🇸 M o st Koreans will have experience saying this to other people, You wanna die? or I'll kill you etc. It is used in two situation and in different moods.   For example...

Why did the father give his daughter a pistol in the squid game

아빠(🦑)가 딸에게 권총(🔫)을 선물한 이유는? Why did the father give his daughter a pistol?  🇰🇷 넷 플릭스에서 스트리밍한 한국 드라마 오징어 게임에서 주인공 이정재가 딸에게 권총을 선물하는 장면을 본 대다수의 한국 시청자들은 그것이 진짜 권총이 아님을 선물상자에 든 권총을 본 순간부터 확신했을 것이다.  총기가 유통되거나 개인이 총기를 소지할 수 있는 국가에 사는 사람들은 장난감총을 만지거나 본 경험보다 실제 총을 보거나 만져본 경험이 더 많을지 모른다. 하지만 대부분의 한국인은 실제 권총보다 장난감 권총이나 비비탄 권총 또는 라이터 용도로 쓰이는 권총을 만져본 경험이 더 많다. 한국 정부는 개인의 총기 유통과 소지를 엄격히 불허하기 때문에 군인이나 경찰등이 아니고선 일반 시민이 실제 권총을 만져볼수 있는 기회가가 현저히 적다.  이러한 규율과 문화에 익숙해진 한국 사람들은 어려서부터 장난감총이나 비비탄총 등을 부모로부터 선물받아본 경험이 있기 때문에 이 장면에서도 놀라지 않을수 있었다.  아마도 오징어 게임을 본 당신이 한국인이 아니었다면 그녀가 방아쇠를 당기기전까지 많은 의문을 가졌을지 모른다.  🇺🇸 I n the Korean drama Squid Game, which was streamed on Netflix, Koreans saw the scene where the main character Jung-jae Lee presented a pistol to his daughter, and they knew at once that it was not a real pistol. People living in countries where firearms are circulated or where individuals can own firearms may have seen or touched a real gun more than they ever touched ...

Actor Park Hae-soo's greeting style in K-drama Suriname

🗣 강프로 식사 많이 잡쉈어? Hey Kang-pro, Did you eat full?  🇰🇷 넷 플릭스 케이 드라마 수리남에서 배우 박해수가 하정우와 만나거나 혹은 전화 통화로 입버릇처럼 말하던 인사법 "강 프로 식사 많이 잡쉈어?"를 실제 한국인들도 많이 사용할까? 그리고 한국인의 퍼스트 네임인 김, 강, 박, 전, 이, 최 등 뒤에 프로를 붙여 부르는 이유가 무엇일까? 한국에서 '프로'는 특정한 분야에서 최고의 경지에 이른 사람을 의미한다. 일반적으로 프로 축구선수, 프로 농구선수, 프로 게이머, 프로 골퍼 등등. 프로 스포츠 리그에서 활동하는 사람들에게 프로라는 호칭이 부여된다. 하지만 스포츠뿐만 아니라 어느 한 분야에서 실력이 출중하거나 많은 사람들에게 그 실력을 인정받는 사람이 있다면 누군가가 그 사람에게 '프로' 타이틀을 부여하는 경우가 있다. 그런 의미에서 박해수가 극중 하정우를 부를 때 '프로'라고 말한 것은 그가 사업적인 분야에서 훌륭한 실력을 갖추었거나 단지 그의 위상을 높여주기 위해 쓴 호칭이라 해석할수 있다. 🇺🇸 I n the Netflix K-drama Suriname, actor Park Hae-soo meets Ha Jung-woo with talks on the Phone like a habit of saying "Professional Kang, did you eat a lot?" Do Koreans actually use a lot?    And what is the reason for the Koreans' first name Kim, Kang, Park, Jeon, Lee, Choi, etc. followed by 'Pro'?   In Korea, a 'pro' refers to a person who has reached the highest level in a particular field. I...

Aromatherapy scene from K-drama Squid Game?

🦑 오징어게임 2화의 아로마 테라피 장면? Is he doing aromatherapy?  한국 드라마 오징어 게임을 본 사람들은 이 장면에서 그가 아로마 테라피를 하고 있다고 생각했을지 모른다. 하지만 절대로 아니다.  그가 버너 위에 올린 검은 것은 한국식 연탄중 하나로서 번개탄 으로 불리운다. 불에 의해 연소될때 발생되는 연기는 독성이 있어서 밀폐된 공간에서 사람이 연기를 마시면 사망할 확률이 매우 높다.  이 장면에서 그는 연기를 마셔 자살할 생각으로 검은 연탄을 태웠던 것이다. 이러한 소재는 한국의 많은 영화나 드라마에서 자주 쓰인다.    Have you ever seen the Korean drama Squid Game? If you've ever seen The Squid Game, you might have thought he was doing aromatherapy in this scene. But never. The black thing he puts on the burner is one of the Korean-style briquettes and is called Burngetan. The smoke produced when it is burned by fire is toxic, so if a person breathes the smoke in an enclosed space, the probability of death is very high. You should never follow. In this scene, he burned black briquettes with the intention of committing suicide by inhaling the smoke. Such scenes and mise-en-scène   appear frequently in Korean movies and dramas. 

Korean babyboomer 1950-1964

Characteristics of Korean Baby Boomers 

Korean buzzwords 2021/2022

☑️ 갓 생 (god saeng)  Young people of the MZ generation in Korea express a life that is good life, a life that sets an example for others, and a life that concentrates on real life and lives conscientiously as 'god saeng'. The word '갓생(god saeng)' is combination of the English word god and the Korean word 생(saeng). Korean word '인생(in saeng)' is a combination of 인(in) meaning person, and 생(saeng) meaning life. So it is a Korean-style Konglish, which means 갓생(god saeng) = life that god lives. In other words, the young people of the MZ generation in Korea think that the ideal life is a life that is faithful to reality and is an example for others.  🗣 Answer your friend's question by referring to the example below ;  A : 어떻게 지내? (eotteohge jinae?) How are you? / What's up?  You : 갓생 (god saeng) I am faithful to reality and trying hard to be an example for others ☑️  머선129 (meoseon il e gu) Seoul standard : 무슨일이야?(museun-il-iya?)  = What's wrong with you?...

Korean Bulgogi Stew served in a bowl

A Ttukbaegi is a porcelain bowl. In this bowl, put pork bulgogi, vegetables, and broth and boil to make a bowl of ttukbaegi bulgogi. Cooking methods and ingredients are determined by the restaurant. So, even if the same ttukbaegi bulgogi has different ingredients and nutrients, the taste will be different. Just like if the ingredients for a hamburger are different, the taste will be different. So, it's fun to find a restaurant that makes Ttukbaegi Bulgogi delicious and become regulars. Last time I blogged about this restaurant. This is my second visit to eat this food, and I'll tell you what I couldn't finish last time. A large amount of Bulgogi in a Ttukbaegi at the 미가원 Migawon Ttukbaegi Bulgogi cooked by the chef of Migawon Steak Restaurant. There was a lot of pork bulgogi in the bowl. Other restaurants often use a 4:6 pork to vegetable ration. But I love the 8:2 meat/vegetable ratio here. The Bulgogi is lean, not chewy, not thick, and tastes great. It was the most delic...

History of prostitutes in Korea

Why the women who talked about "Oppa Let's play" disappeared? During the Japanese colonial period, Japan has established a system of prostitutes in Korea. However, after the liberation of Korea, the US military abolished Japan's prostitute system on May 17, 1946. The reason is that, from the viewpoint of the U.S. Military Government, prostitution in an individual's freedom, and management by the state is seen as a violation of individual freedom.  Then, on June 25, 1950, the war between North Korea and South Korea broke out, and prostitution began near Cheonglyangli station, which was the terminus of the Gyeongwon Railway heading to Cheorwon and Hwacheon. This is the beginning of 청량리 588 Cheongnyangni 588.  In 1968, the city of Seoul forcibly demolished the brothel inside Seodaemun Gate, and prostitutes from Jong-ro flowed into Cheonglyngli, and the scale of the brothel grew.  With the 1988 Seoul Olympics as an opportunity, a major overhaul was started to improve ...

learning Korean 밥 먹고 하는일

This means 'What I do every day' or 'What I am good at'.  In other words, when someone says this to you, they are talking about what they do, and that they have been doing it often and long enough to do it every day after eating. you can interpret it to mean that he is an expert at the job. '밥먹고' means 'After eating', and '하는 일' means 'What to do'.  It means he is a skilled worker or he has been working for a longtime. Now, let's take a closer look at an example. ◼︎◼︎◼︎ B's response to A's praise A : 어서오세요, 에어컨좀 고쳐 주세요. Come on up, Please fix my air conditioner        ( esoeoseyo, eeokonjom gochyeo juseyo ) B : 네, 맡겨 주세요. Yes, leave it to me       ( ne, matgyeo juseoyo ) A : 능숙하게 잘 하시네요. You're doing great.       ( neungsughage jal hasineyo )          B : 밥 먹고 하는 일 인데요 뭘. What I do every day after meals.       ( bab meoggo haneun-il  indeyo mwol ) ※ This is term often used by...

Munlae Pork Bulbaek Branch Restaurant in Uijeongbu

문래 돼지불백(munlae dweji bulbaek) Restaurant for Dinner   Have you ever seen the phrase '기사님 환영' on the signboard of a Korean restaurant? This means 'Welcome driver'. It means welcoming taxi drivers or anyone who does the driving job. These restaurants are often located on the main roadside or on the outskirts of the rather than the alleys of restaurants. In most cases, there are roads in the vicinity that do not enforce illegal parking enforcement. So many drivers will temporarily park their cars arounds the restaurant and enjoy a meal comfortably, right? So let's get in.  차림표(chalimpyo) Menu 돼지불백(dweji bulbaek)200g : 200grams Pork bulgogi with a bowl of rice and side dishes. [특]돼지불백(dweji bulbaek)300g : 300g pork [S]bulgogi with a bowl of rice and side dishes. 고기추가(gogi chuga)200g : Order 200g more Bulgogi. [특]고기추가(gogi chuga)300g : Order 300g more [S]Bulgogi.  1인포장(il-in pojang) : 1 serving takeaway.  [특]1인포장(il-in pojang) : [S] 1 serving takeaway. 공기밥(gonggibap) : A...

Korean Sigorjab Dog

A '시골잡종 sigoljabjong', which means a mixed breed dog that grows in the countryside, is called '시고르자브 siggorjab'. It is new word that is changed from Korean pronunciation.  The dog is less wary of people, and is gentle and friendly. Mainly tied to a dog house in the yard of a country house in Korea.  In Korea, dogs are traditionally kept outside the home.    

A restaurant serving naengmyeon and bulgogi in Ansan

 I went for lunch at the 'Yukssam Naengmyeon' restaurant in Ansan, which serves a plate of bulgogi and a bowl of naengmyeon. The restaurant, which only 3 menus, is on the second floor and I had to wait to eat because of a lot of customers. The price is cheap and it looks delicious, so I waited for it to go in. The menu is 물냉면 숯불고기 Mul naengmyeon with Bulgogi  9,000₩ 비빔냉면 숯불고기 Bibim naengmyeon with Bulgogi 9,000₩ 비빔밥 숯불고기 Bibimbap with Bulgogi 9,500₩ Do you have any reluctance to use scissors as a food cutting tool? In Korea, scissors are not just used as office supplies. Make sure know that there are also scissors for cutting food. You can cut meat and noodles with this. Try it once. I hope you can eat comfortable.  I enjoyed the Mulnaengmyeon with Bulgogi. Bulgogi was good, but the noodles were not good, probably undercooked.  There were many customers, the faces of the staff looked not happy, and they were unkind to me. I don't feel like going back again. 

Is the bibimbap eaten in Jeonju taste so much better?

 I guess it't the curiosity that most of Korean have. So I headed to Jeonju Hanok Village from Seoul to taste it different from the Bibimbap eaten at a Korean restaurant in Seoul. The first and second floors were a Korean restaurant, and the third floor was a cafe with a view of the Hanok Village. 1F Jeonju Traditional Restaurant  놋그릇 비빔밥 Bibimbap in Bangjja 10,000₩ 육회 비빔밥 Yukhoe Bibimbap 12,000₩ 물/비빔냉면 Mul- naengmyeon /Bibim-naengmyeon 9,000₩ 육회 비빔냉면 Yukhoe in Bibim-naengmyeon 12,000₩ 석쇠양념불고기 + 비빔밥세트 Grilled Seasoned Bulgogi + Bibimbap Set 15,000₩ 2F Kiwa(Hanok) Restaurant  양념 떡갈비 한상차림 Seasoned Tteok-galbi Set (1p) 21,000₩ 보리굴비 한상차림 Roasted Bori- gulb i Set (1p) 27,000₩ 떡갈비 비빔밥 한상차림 Tteok-galbi with Bibimbap Set (1p) 29,000₩ 3F ~ 7F 전망대 카페 A cafe with a view of the Hanok Village 커피 Coffe 5,000₩ or more 맥주 Beer 5,000₩ or more  As soon as I arrived at the restaurant, it suddenly rained. It was pretty lucky and looked good. The modern and traditional building...

Korean Food Street in Incheon Airport

 The most popular Korean food was cooked at 'Korean food street' a Korean restaurant in Incheon International Airport. It was a large restaurant with a cafe-like atmosphere. The entrance to the restaurant was on all sides, and there was an introduction to the restaurant on one wall. I had lunch here. I felt like to eat so much I can't wait. It was not easy to choose one from the various menu, so I ordered anything that I could see. The menu had seven category from A to H. I choose the grilled beef loin set in F category.  F. Bibimbap Popular menu : Traditional Jeonju Bibimbap, Traditional hot steam pot bibimbap, Octopus hot stone pot bibimbap   Airport staff's popular menu : Grilled Beef Loin Set, Seaweed Soup with Beef, Kimchi hot stone pot BIBIMBAP, Traditional Bean Sprouts Soup, Beef Soybean Stew, Traditional Spicy Beef Soup Set menu by Korean food master : Traditional Jeonju BIBIMBAP Set, Hot stone pot BIBIMBAP set, Octopus hot stone pot BIBIMBAP set When I orde...

Kimchi Jjigae and Bulgogi Baekban Restaurant

 Here are awesome Korean restaurants near the royal tombs of Yongneung and Geonneung, historycal sites located in Annyeong-dong, Hwaseong-si, Gyeonggi-do. The building is a Hanok , so it has a Korean style. The name of the restaurant is 'Annyeong-Bulbaek' has a catchphrase and prides itself on Bulgogi, Jjigae(Stew), and Rice.  " 밥심과 밥정 " (Power from rice and affection from rice) 든든히 잘 먹고 '밥심' 으로 일하고, '밥정' 으로 다시 찾는 집 (A restaurant that customers enjoy the meal, work with the power of rice, and come back again with the love of rice)  Bulgogi(roast meat) ; The taste of roast is felt by the fire burning on oak charcoal.   Jjigae(stew) ; You can taste the thick broth.  Bab(rice)  ; Made every day, it is nutritious and delicious. 김치불백 Kimchi jjigae  +  Bulbaek 9,000₩ 부대불백 Budae Jjigae  + Bulbaek 9,000₩ 곱창불백 Gopchang  + Bulbaek 15,000₩ 냉면불백 Naengmyeon  + Bulbaek 9,000₩ (Sold in summer only) 명태회무침 Pollack sashimi seasoned 8,000₩ 계란...