Korean Food Street in Incheon Airport

Korean food street restaurant outside

 The most popular Korean food was cooked at 'Korean food street' a Korean restaurant in Incheon International Airport. It was a large restaurant with a cafe-like atmosphere. The entrance to the restaurant was on all sides, and there was an introduction to the restaurant on one wall. I had lunch here.

Korean food street restaurant menu

I felt like to eat so much I can't wait. It was not easy to choose one from the various menu, so I ordered anything that I could see. The menu had seven category from A to H. I choose the grilled beef loin set in F category. 

F. Bibimbap
  • Popular menu : Traditional Jeonju Bibimbap, Traditional hot steam pot bibimbap, Octopus hot stone pot bibimbap  
  • Airport staff's popular menu : Grilled Beef Loin Set, Seaweed Soup with Beef, Kimchi hot stone pot BIBIMBAP, Traditional Bean Sprouts Soup, Beef Soybean Stew, Traditional Spicy Beef Soup
  • Set menu by Korean food master : Traditional Jeonju BIBIMBAP Set, Hot stone pot BIBIMBAP set, Octopus hot stone pot BIBIMBAP set

Korean food street restaurant receipts and vibration alerts

When I ordered food with a credit card, they gave me a receipt and a vibrating bell for guest. This is a beacon telling me to bring the cooked food to me. On the monitor was written 'I am cooking food'. The cooking time was less than 10 minutes.

Beef Pork Belly Set Meal

Beef Pork Belly Set Meal2

kimchi and soybean paste were served in a small bowl, beef bulgogi in a large bowl, soybean paste stew and rice, and seaweed in a plastic pack. The soybean paste stew was delicious and not spicy. The meat was well-done and it was nice. The soy sauce flavor soaked in well, and the sesame seeds added to the flavor. 

When you arrive at Incheon International Airport or pass through the airport to leave for your country, try this restaurant.   
