Upload your profile to the filmmakers site

This article is about how to upload your profile to the filmmakers site. A Movie/Drama producers may look at your profile and offer you a movie role or ask you to audition. 

You can actively apply for actors or models by seeing posts, but maybe it's wise to upload your profile publicly and wait for the filmmakers to contact you. If you refer to the 'How to get audition information for K-Movie and Drama' that I wrote, you can learn how to sign-up for membership and check the audition notice and apply. 

Back to the point, let's get started. First, go to the filmmakers website.

https://filmmakers.co.kr > 액터스 커뮤니티 > 배우프로필-남자 / 배우프로필-여자          

the website page of filmmakers

Select '액터스 커뮤니티' in the upper right corner of the site and drop down. '배우프로필-남자' is a bulletin board for male actors and models, and '배우프로필-여자' is a bulletin board for female actors and models. Click the bulletin board that matches your gender. I'll take the male bulletin board as an example.

② Go to the actors profile board 

the profile board of filmmakers

the profile page of filmmakers 2

The number written on the top means the number of male actors registered so far. 7,273 people. When you upload your profile picture on this board, the thumbnail picture, name and date of birth are show up. Filmmakers actively consult this list of profile, as well as profiles received in their recruitment posts. Click the Write button when your good looking picture is ready! Stand out to them.

③ Upload your profile 

profile upload form of the filmmakers

profile upload form2

  • Sex : Choose your gender (남자=Male, 여자=Female)
  • Name : Enter your name (in English or Korean)
  • Date of birth : your date of birth (ex 1994)
  • Mobile number : your sell phone number (ex 010-1234-5678)

  • Email : your email address 
  • Homepage or social media : A webpage or social media address can appeal you
  • Height & Weight : your current height and weight 
  • Specialty, Skill, Good at : about your talent (ex Sing, Painting, Tennis, etc)
  • Career, Filmography : your acting career, work title 

  • Description (more detail) : Detail about your introduction, your career and attractiveness, etc. 

  • Attach your photo file : I hope you upload clear, high-definition pictures, but reduce the size and upload as many as possible. (10M limit per file / 50M total)
  • Allow comments : Do you allow or disallow other users' comments on this profile post? (Check = allow), (공개=comments that other people can see, 비밀=comments that only you can see it)
  • Tag : about you (ex 외국인 배우, foreign actor........ etc) 


If you're not sure how to write, you'd better refer to what other people have written. So good luck, if you have any questions feel free to ask.  
