How to get audition information for K-Movie Drama
Is there an actor you should like to be cast in a Korean Netflix movie, a theater release, or a TV drama? Do you want to be model in Korea? You should know the audition information first, right?
So let me introduce you to a site that provides that information. This site is not for foreigners only. However, there are often updated articles here that recruit non-Korean models or foreigners for minor or supporting roles who wish to appear in movie or dramas.
If you do not want to sign a contract with a model or actor agency in Korea, sign up for free on the site I'm telling you form now on and submit your profile directly to the email address they ask for.
Now, you are agency and actor for your self. Good luck!
1. filmmakers (
① Sign Up (회원가입)
You need to resister as a member by clicking the '회원가입' button in the upper right corner
② Steps to fill in details
- ID, Password, Email, Name, Nickname : Required fields
- Profile picture : When you write a post or reply to a post, your profile picture is exposed
- Your intro : The text that is introduced on your profile page
- Anti-Spam check box : for Prevent robot membership
③ Steps to fill in details
Check the sign-up confirmation email. Check your email to complete the verification process. Click the '가입 인증' button
④ You will see the page redirect to the login screen. Now try sign in with your ID and password
⑤ Sign in, select the top right tab '액터스 커뮤니티(=Actors Community)' and scroll down
- 배우모집[전체] : A bulletin board that updates audition announcements form production companies that are recruiting for roles in movies and dramas.
- 모델/출연자모집[전체] : On this bulletin board, media production companies for producing music videos, advertisements/promotions, photo shoots, YouTube contents, and shopping mall companies are updated with the recruitment of fashion models.
⑦ If you don't know Korean well, You need google translator. Use the translation function provided by Chrome. I'll give you an example form one of these posts to explain what to do.
⑧ Let's take a look at one of several posts in detail. The above is a sample.
- 제작(Production) : Production company name
- 작품제목(Film title) : Title of work (project name)
- 감독(Director) : Director name (*미정 = Undefined)
- 극중배역(Role) : Brief description of the role
- 촬영기간(Shooting period) : Crank-in to crank-up period
- 출연료(Guarantee) : Performance fee
- 모집인원(Number of actors required) : Number of actors needed
- 모집성별(Required actors gender) : (*여자=Female, 남자=Male)
- 담당자(Manager) : Contact person's name
- 이메일(Email) : Contact person's email / Email for profile submission
- 모집마감일(Recruiting period) : Recruitment Deadline
The content below is the details written by the film producer. By referring to these contents, you will be able to decide whether or not the work is worthy of your application. Again, if you are not familiar with Korean, please use Google Translate. Or you could hire a Korean as your manager.
Also, there may be attachments, so be sure to check them out.
⑨ Submit your profile by email
[*.ppt, pdf] You must have two types of profile files. Some producers don't check profiles sent by applicants who don't accept the desired file type. So you have two file types. If you're not sure what type of file they're asking for, send them both.
And you must include your phone number in your profile. Because they are more comfortable calling or texting you than replying to an email. If there is a role you want, apply for it.
⑩ Wait until the application deadline
If you have submitted your profile, you can be sure of your acceptance after the application deadline. If they reply to you, it's your first pass, and if they don't, you'll be rejected. If you pass, congratulations, and if you fail, apply again for another audition. Good luck. If you have any questions, please feel free to comment.
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